25 Oct 43

What did I say about returning to a relaxing life? Just as the B-17s depart. Troop Carrier Command decides to stage a large-scale maneuver with gliders, for the benefit of Lt Generals Spaatz and Patton, who arrive with several other generals and park below the tower to witness the proceedings. They had never seen glider operations, and Troop Carrier was anxious to make a good impression. The 64th towed all of our gliders into the air formed up somewhere near Catania, and returned in a long glider train in two-ship elements, to drop them over the base. I was fit to be tied as the show went on for hours. A green tower operator attempting to direct all that traffic under the watchful eyes of so much big brass was not exactly relaxing! The Group performed magnificently, and all's well that ends well, I suppose.



7 Nov 43

S/Sgt Eric Carlson, an RO who joined us at Westover, rotates under the 500-hour program; the last! I have fifty hours to go, but just as the last time. Headquarters changes the requirement to 1000 hours! A new replacement crew arrives.



19-22 Nov 43

There is a rumor that Sicily is about to revolt against Italy, demanding to be a separate state. All Group personnel will carry firearms at all times, and only seven men may be on pass, daily. Aircrews will sleep on their aircraft, ready for immediate evacuation, if need be. The 17th has two new planes, and I am assigned to #41-18375, and I spend three nights aboard her. The revolt never takes place.



1 Dec 43

Several changes are made in the command structure: 12th Air Force is reactivated under Lt. General John K. Cannon, replacing Mediterranean Air Command; Mediterranean Allied Air Forces is activated under Lt. General Ira Eaker, replacing Northwest African Air Forces; 12th Troop Carrier Command is activated, replacing Northwest African Troop Carrier Command, same commander; Major LaVerne L. Cheney (my pilot coming across) assumes command of the 17th.













1-31 Dec 43

The squadron continues to fly missions in support of Mark Clark's 5th Army in Italy. Fly several missions back to Oujda to pick-up and deliver gliders to Maison Blanche and Comiso. Missions to many bases in Africa mission on 9 Dec when we picked up aerial photos, which we delivered to B/G Elliot Roosevelt's fighter group at Foggia, Italy. Another important mission was to deliver oil stoves to Foggia for the RAF! We were to have Turkey for Christmas, but since we expected the B-17s to again drop in that was cancelled! I was on a flight to Maison Blanche, Algiers, about the time it was served. Maison Blanche won't allow transients in their mess halls, so we were obliged to go to town in order to eat! It's a strange war!



27-28 Dec 43

Flew to El Aouina (Tunis); picked up 17 RAF nurses and took them to Cappodichino (Naples). Mount Vesuvius is smoking heavily, and ready to erupt. Picked up two aircraft engines for Ponte Olivo, Sicily, but unable to locate unloading crew, so returned to Comiso for the night, and delivered them the next day. Continued on to El Aouina, where we picked up a jeep for the squadron.

LaVerne Cheney, our squadron CO is promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.


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