11 Mar 1964

Headquarters 516th troop Carrier Wing (M) (TAC)

Reply to attn of DO
Subject: Letter of appreciation

To: Commander
516th Troop Carrier Wing (M) (TAC

1. I would like to commend to your attention the outstanding performance of duty of Captain Richard L. Tinney, AO3080670, during the period 20 Jan 64 through 12 Feb 64. As Air Liaison Officer, Polar Siege CALSU, at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska.

2. The service rendered by Capt. Tinney during Exercise Polar Siege, clearly demonstrates his professional ability and dedication to the service. His long hours of duty. excellent planning, and job completion attitude, aided immeasurably in the successful accomplishment of the Polar Siege CALSU Mission. During this period Polar Siege C-130 Aircraft flew 896 sorties in 2,114 flying hours, air landed 1,688 tons and parachute delivered 73.4 tons of cargo, extracted 69 tons of cargo, air landed 4,263 personnel and parachute delivered 131 personnel.

3. The attainment by Captain Tinney of this high standard of excellence merits official recognition; therefore, I desire that this communication be made a part of his official personnel record as a Category A favorable communication under provisions of AFR 30-9.

Colonel. USAF
Airlift Task Force Commander
Exercise Polar Siege