On return from one of the DYE sites, after another beautiful and boring day on the Greenland Ice Cap, the aircraft commander decided to chase one of the thousands of caribou that inhabited the remote valleys near Sondrestrom Air Base. The pilot selected a large caribou bull in the herd dropped the C-130D down to a low level and proceeded to buzz him a couple of times. The caribou decided after the second low pass that enough was enough. On the third pass, the bull lowered his massive antlers, pawed the ground, and prepared to do battle with the intruder. This should give one an idea of just how low the plane was flown and the freedom that firebird flight crews enjoyed in the 1960s. On wonders if the caribou thought that it was time to put an end to the huge "fly" that was buzzing him, or if he thought that this was a new kind of flying opponent that was trying to capture his harem. (Bill Zerson, Firebird Navigator)